EXploratory data analysis

EDA about Airbnb listings in Madrid

Exploratory data analysis of Airbnb listings in Madrid
Project image

Project: https://github.com/octadelsueldo/Machine-Learning

Exploratory data analysis of the Airbnb data saved in the csv file listings.csv with the goal to explain the relationship between the variables that it has.

  • The first step was to scan the data to see how it was structured, change names of misspelled observations, find and remove null and duplicate values.

  • The next step was to visualize the data with box plots, histograms, bar graphs, etc.

  • Next, check the correlations between variables. Where I converted some categorical variables to a factor to be able to add them in the correlation.

  • Finally, I checked the outlier values ​​and delete them to check the change in the price feature that I was interested in analyzing.